Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Did you hear that too?

When one is constantly consumed in "Baby World" things can get a little goofy. I find myself just laughing at the things I say to comfort, express frustration, or just entertain when my little girl is around. When I stop and think, "Did that really just come out of my mouth," I think how funny it would be to have the opportunity for any of you friends to be a fly on the wall. You would think that I have completely lost my mind! However, I choose to think that it is a sign of my security as a person, that I don't care what people think but rather that my baby is totally enthralled with me.

Well, I thought you all could use a little giggle. Please, while reading this, imagine them in the tones listed. It will give you a more realistic view of what is going on in our house everyday.

1. *Surprised tone - wide eyed*
Ooh! A little tooter! Good you have more. Come on! Make your butt rumble!
2. *Calm, consistant, patient tone*
Come on Sweetie, get it out. You can burp it...Blow it out little one..
*Then breaking into song/chant. More Cheerleader like*
Burpie! Burpie! Get it out! Mia! Mia! Get it out!
3. *Sympathetic, calming tone*
Oh honey, look at all those boogies. Those nasty boogies! Mommy will get them.
4. *Excited, "good morning" tones
OOOHHH! Stretchies! Goodmorning Peaty Swie (Sweatie Pie). How's mommy's little angel?

And then there are the many nicknames that Mommy and Daddy choose to call little Mia:

1. Peatie Swie (mommy)
2. Little Miss Piggy (mommy)
3. Darling Girl (daddy)
4. MayBell (daddy)
5. Princess Mia (mommy and daddy)
6. Hungry Hippo (mommy)
7. Love Bug (mommy and daddy)
8. Little Lover Dover (mommy and daddy)
9. Tiny Toots (mommy)
10. Sweatheart (daddy)
11. Precious baby (mommy and daddy)
12 Poopie pants (daddy)

I'm sure the list goes on, but I am drawing a blank. They are so spur of the moment, it's just so difficult to keep track. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We're just checking to see if we are doing this "blogging" correctly.

Loved hearing about your corner of the world. Also, loved the pictures of "Poopsie Pants." :)


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