Sunday, May 25, 2008

Blogger Block

*Sing to the tune of "Fera Jaqua" (I think that's how you spell it!)

Blogger Blo-ock
Blogger Blo-ock
Go Away
Go Away
I don't like your tactics
I don't like your tactics
I'm fed up
I'm fed up
So, I hope to write something great soon...but it isn't coming to me yet. Hopefully I'll have some good pictures and funny stories to share after this long, beautiful weekend.
See you soon!


Tabitha said...

I get bloggers block quite often, but usually something happens and then it just starts flowing again!!
Hope your weekend was fun,
Hugs ~ Tabitha XXX

Stephanie said...

I think everyone has mush for brains this weekend :) I sure do!

Little Sweethearts said...

Sometimes I even have 'comment block'! I might click on random ramblings and then I just sit there, not knowing what to write!!


PS: I wasn't sure whether the "Fera Jaqua" spelling was meant as a joke, but if not, the spelling is "Frère Jacques" :)

Elise said...

I agree with Tania's comment. Lately I've been getting "comment block". Sometimes, I should be sleeping instead of reading all of my favourite blogs, I think this could prevent comment block.

Some of the blogs I read feature specific posts on certain days of the week. I think this is great for bloggers block. I've seen Wordless Wednesday where only a picture is included, I've seen Show and Tell Friday where a topic is set and then bloggers participate. No doubt you would have seen some of these (if not all of them) plus some other great ideas.

Good luck with your bloggers block.


Little Sweethearts said...

Hello again Erin,

Please check my blog. There might be a remedy there for your blogger block...
