Monday, February 18, 2008

Let the nesting begin!

And she's off...

With two whole days under her belt in the new home, you'd think she'd been there for weeks. Things laying on the floor? Not a chance! Slow thoughts about where things should be placed? No WAY! She's been thinking about this for weeks! She has an agenda - a plan - and it WILL GET DONE! After all, it is week 38. :)

With the rest of the house all put together and cozy feeling, the fun stuff slowly starts to clear the top of the list. It's baby room time! A little pink here, a little brown there, throw some white in just for fun... And the clothes...can you believe the wardrobe her unborn princess has?! It's emaculate! Her husband thinks it's the cutest room in the house, and she finds it as great as her own play room. Everything must be perfect for her little one; a place where life can begin on a smooth, uninterrupted note.

At night, when she snuggles into bed - or the recliner - she thanks her husband for the gift of the new house. What a blessing it is to be in the new place before their little Mia arrives. The next few months seem more relaxed, already, and she couldn't ask for more than this moment right now.


Allikaye's Mama said...

Ooooo! I like the 3rd person blogging!! hehehe!! I am so happy that you can feel "nested" - that is very important! I can't wait to see your new little nest! Love you! Wow - can I say nest one more time?!

Anonymous said...

:-D That was the cutest little blog Friend! I am so happy that you're all settled in and I can't wait to see the pictures!!!!!