Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Pregnancy Week 31

Happy New Year!

Casey and I had a wonderful time with family and friends this Christmas season. I was able to take the time between Christmas and New Years off from work, which has proven to be quite good for me. I have been getting more and more tired lately -- to be expected I've heard -- so this has been a welcomed break. Now I just need to figure out how to keep getting my afternoon nap while being in the corporate world. :)

People are now starting to ask "when are you due?!" So I must be getting larger. I honestly can't tell much anymore, since I'm starting to feel like I've been pregnant my entire life! We both get more and more excited to see and hold our baby girl. We make a point to talk with her and and touch her as much as we can. Casey is especially good at talking to Mia and she, by her quick movements at the sound of his voice, thoroughly enjoys it. We have also been keeping updated on the new growth developements of Mia on a week by week basis. Now that we are in the "home stretch," I thought I'd post this week's belly adventures for all to see (read below).

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Casey and Erin


My Baby
It's time for another growth spurt! (You've been hearing that a lot lately, huh?) For the next eight weeks, your baby's gaining more weight than height -- and she's pushing nearly 4 pounds now! (FYI, the bigger your baby grows, the harder it will be to get an accurate size update via ultrasound. But be assured that she's fattening up and getting nice and ready for life on the outside.) This week also boasts some exciting reproductive developments. Having a boy? His testicles are now moving from their current location near his kidneys down to his scrotum. And if you've got a girl in there, her clitoris has now fully formed.

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