Monday, March 31, 2008

Cute New Picture...

Here are a few new pictures!

Mia loves to sleep on Mommy and Daddy's bed....she sleeps the best here which makes the evening difficult sometimes! :)

I love this picture. She had this cute - note, a little big - jacket with a hood on it. She was also really wide eyed this day so she just looked so cute in her car seat. Can you see her blue eyes?

I'll post more pictures as soon as possible!

Love to all!


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Another hurdle conquered

It's all about looking at the small steps instead of the big picture. Usually Mia sleeps well through the night, but she has been sleeping with mommy. Since we have come home, she has become too cold when sleeping on her own to actually sleep and stay asleep. Well, we have slowly been getting her used to sleeping in her cradle during the day, and last night she slept in the cradle all night! YEA! She did wake up a little more often, but she did it. Now we just have to get used to the little squeeks and grunts she makes that we hear over the moniter. That is most difficult for mommy, who wants to rush to her side and make sure she is ok. Good thing daddy is there too - he can keep mommy quiet!

Easter was really fun. Mia was so pretty in her little dress and we managed to keep it nice for half of the day! Here is a picture of our little family from Easter.

Have a great day!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

A note from the Princess herself


I've been rather quiet the last few weeks, and you can expect that for awhile longer, unless you want to come over at night time. That's when I get excited to be awake and spend time with Mommy and Daddy; you are more than welcome to join the party. Just give my mommy a call and we can arrange it. :)

Well, I thought I'd give you a little insight into the last week...

Things are going really well at home. I'm starting to get used to not being in tight spaces, so my legs and arms are feeling the freedom to express themselves. I love to kick my legs out straight, especially when Mommy has to change my diaper, and I love to stretch my arms up over my face and head when I wake up in the morning. I'm also learning all these cool new sounds that I can make. From grunting, to screaming, to snorting, and even the occassional squeek. This is really handy in allowing me to communicate with Mommy on how life is exactly at this second.

Daddy went to work this week. I do miss him terribly. Things are so fun when he comes home, picks me up and tells me how beautiful I am. I do enjoy time with Mommy as well. We have been doing many things together. We have gone to visit people who have been dying to see me, ran some errands, did some chores around the house (the laundry is just getting stacked) and have even taken some naps together. I love to sleep with mommy...she is so snuggly and warm. Other than that, it's just been a new week of learning and enjoying our routines.

I love you all very much and can't wait for you to hold me. Come over anytime.

Love, Mia

Friday, March 14, 2008

10 days down...

Well, what an adventure it has been so far. Between fighting the nervous mom habits, to trying to learn to sleep in the littlest of time frames, and learning how to take care of this new little person, it has been quite an exhausting little start. But how worth it it has been! I can't believe that Mia is actually here, smiling at us, and longing for our touch. She is truly a good little baby, and we both feel so blessed to be the ones who get to raise her for this short little time.

Some little facts for those who care:

1. Mia is doing really well on feeding. She gained 7 oz within a week, which is really good. When we left the hospital she had gone done to 8 lbs 1 oz. At her first doctor appointment a few days later, she was at 7 lbs 8 oz. We just went in to have her weighed this week and she is up to 7 lbs 15 oz. So, we are doing well and the feeding is working. Hurray!

2. Mia is sleeping fairly well through the night, and from what I'm told, actually doing much better than a lot of babies. She wakes up between 12 AM - 6 AM about every 2.5-3 hours. Not too bad, I'd say! Mommy is still trying to get used to that 3:00 AM feeding and really trying hard to not be grumpy when it comes around. Prayer might be good if you feel so inclined :)

3. Mia truly enjoys getting her baths. The warm water is definately her favorite. However, coming out of the tub is a different story. Putting lotion on her body and laying there naked are NOT some of her favorite past times. She is awfully cuddly afterwards, though.

4. Mia enjoys sleeping froggy style or ball style on both her mommy and daddy's chest. She loves to hear your heart beat and the warmth of your body.

We just got infant pictures done of her. She did so well, and was so adorable. In fact, the photographer was so impressed with how cute she was, she asked that we sign a model agreement so that she can use some of Mia's pictures in her advertising. If you'd like to check out the photographer, it is We were really impressed with this lady's work and are excited to see the pictures. I'll post the link to view them when they are ready in a few weeks.

Well, I had better go and tend to my little bundle of joy. Love you all!


Thursday, March 6, 2008

The arrival of our baby girl...

Mia Bella Gerster was born Tuesday, March 4, 2008 at 5:00 p.m. She was 8 lbs. 3 oz and 20 inches long. Definately a healthy baby! Delivery went really well -- not really any complications which was extremely nice. My water broke that morning around 4:45 am that day and we headed to the hospital. I got to 5 cm by about 12:00 pm and then was at 9 cm by 3:00 pm. It took me about another hour to get to 10 cm and start pushing. I pushed for about 45 minutes until our little girl entered the world! What an exciting time it was.

Casey was GREAT! I could not have done any of that without him. He was by my side through every contraction, and was even trying to push with me. Thank God he didn't pass out, because we were pushing HARD! LOL!

We are so thrilled about our little girl. Enjoy the pictures!

Monday, March 3, 2008

40 weeks

Well, here is the last baby update before we all get to see the real pictures of precious little Mia. Tomorrow evening, at 8:30 PM, I will go in to be induced! We are so excited to see our little baby. Please pray that everything goes smoothly. Here is your last update:

My Baby
The moment you push your baby out (or feel him being lifted from your belly) is one of intense relief and joy -- at least for you. Odds are your darling baby will be screaming his head off. And can you blame him? Your baby just got squeezed out of his dark, cozy home (through an extremely small opening, we might add) and into a world filled with dizzying sights and sounds. The first hour or so of a newborn's life is definitely action-packed. Strange hands pick him up, wipe him off, and suction his nose and mouth to help him gasp those first breaths of actual air. Your baby will have his heart rate, breathing, skin color, muscle tone, and reflexes checked and graded (0-2 points each). This sum will determine baby's Apgar score -- an initial measure of his health (most healthy babies have an Apgar between seven and nine). What else: Your baby will have his umbilical cord cut, receive antibiotic eyedrops, and get an injection of vitamin K, which helps with blood clotting. Then he'll be inspected from top to bottom by birth attendants to make sure he doesn't have a dislocated hip (which can happen during delivery), heart murmur, or urinary tract abnormality, for example. Most of the time, you can hold and even try to start breastfeeding the little guy right away.
When you do see your baby for the first time, it will be a pretty mind-blowing experience. As amazing as it is, don't be alarmed if your baby's not exactly, um, as good-looking as you imagined he would be. Those delivered vaginally tend to have temporarily misshapen heads and puffy eyes. And your baby will probably be coated with vernix, but most of it will be washed off during the first bath. It takes most newborns a few weeks to get that adorable, chubby-cheeked baby look down pat.